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Bigeye Houndshark: A Gentle Shark of the Ocean

The Bigeye Houndshark is a type of shark that lives in the deep waters of the ocean. Even though the word “shark” might make you think of scary creatures, the Bigeye Houndshark is not as dangerous as some of its larger cousins like the Great White Shark. This shark is small and gentle, and it spends most of its time swimming in the quiet, deep parts of the ocean. In this article, we will learn more about the Bigeye Houndshark, where it lives, what it eats, and why it is special.

What Is a Bigeye Houndshark?

The Bigeye Houndshark is a type of shark that gets its name from its large eyes. These big eyes help the shark see better in the dark waters where it lives. The scientific name for the Bigeye Houndshark is Iago omanensis, but most people just call it by its common name because it is easier to remember. This shark belongs to a group of sharks called houndsharks, which are known for their slim bodies and gentle nature.

The Bigeye Houndshark is much smaller than other sharks. It can grow up to about 1.2 meters (or 4 feet) in length. Its skin is usually a grayish-brown color, and it has a long, slender body that helps it swim quickly through the water. The shark’s most noticeable feature is its big, round eyes, which are much larger than the eyes of other sharks.

Where Does the Bigeye Houndshark Live?

The Bigeye Houndshark lives in deep waters, far away from the shore. It is usually found in the Indian Ocean and parts of the Pacific Ocean, near countries like Oman, India, and Indonesia. These sharks prefer to swim in waters that are very deep, sometimes as far as 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) below the surface. Because they live so far down, they are not easy to spot, and people don’t often see them.

Unlike some sharks that like to swim close to beaches, the Bigeye Houndshark stays away from shallow waters. It likes the dark, cold waters of the deep ocean where it feels safe and can find food. This makes it very different from sharks that live near the surface of the water.

What Does the Bigeye Houndshark Eat?

Like most sharks, the Bigeye Houndshark is a carnivore, which means it eats other animals. However, because it lives in deep water, its diet is a little different from sharks that live near the surface. The Bigeye Houndshark mostly eats small fish, squid, and crustaceans like shrimp and crabs. These animals are easy for the shark to catch because they live in the same deep waters. You can also read How to Create an Effective Call to Action on Your Small Business Website

The Bigeye Houndshark uses its big eyes to see better in the dark, and its sharp teeth help it grab onto slippery prey. Even though it’s a good hunter, this shark is not very aggressive. It catches what it needs to survive but doesn’t go after bigger animals or people.

How Does the Bigeye Houndshark Behave?

The Bigeye Houndshark is a quiet and calm shark. Unlike other sharks that are always swimming around looking for food, the Bigeye Houndshark likes to take its time. It slowly moves through the deep waters, looking for small animals to eat. This shark is also mostly nocturnal, which means it is more active at night when it hunts for food.

Because it lives so deep in the ocean, the Bigeye Houndshark doesn’t have many natural enemies. Larger sharks or other deep-sea creatures might try to eat it, but this doesn’t happen very often. The Bigeye Houndshark’s slow and peaceful lifestyle helps it avoid danger.

Is the Bigeye Houndshark Dangerous?

No, the Bigeye Houndshark is not dangerous to humans. Even though all sharks have teeth and might seem scary, this shark is small and gentle. It lives far away from people, deep in the ocean, so it almost never comes into contact with humans. Its diet of small fish and crustaceans means it doesn’t see humans as food.

If you were to swim in the ocean, you would not have to worry about the Bigeye Houndshark. It’s not interested in attacking people, and because it lives so deep, you would probably never see one while swimming near the beach.

How Does the Bigeye Houndshark Reproduce?

The Bigeye Houndshark gives birth to live young, which means that instead of laying eggs like some other fish, baby sharks (called pups) are born fully formed. A mother shark can have several pups at a time, and these baby sharks are able to swim and hunt for themselves right away.

The pups are small when they are born, usually only about 30 to 40 centimeters long. They stay close to the bottom of the ocean and slowly grow bigger as they find food and avoid predators. It takes a few years for them to become fully grown adults.

Why Are Bigeye Houndsharks Important?

The Bigeye Houndshark is important to the ocean’s ecosystem. Even though it is not a top predator, it plays a role in controlling the population of smaller fish and crustaceans. This helps keep the balance in the deep-sea environment. If there were no sharks like the Bigeye Houndshark, the population of smaller animals could grow too large and upset the natural balance of the ocean.

Sharks are often misunderstood, and many people think they are dangerous. However, sharks like the Bigeye Houndshark are gentle creatures that help keep the ocean healthy. It’s important to protect sharks and their habitats so that the ocean can stay balanced and full of life.

Are Bigeye Houndsharks Endangered?

The Bigeye Houndshark is not currently considered endangered, but it is still important to keep an eye on its population. Sharks around the world face many dangers, including being caught by fishing boats and losing their homes due to pollution and changes in the ocean. Deep-sea sharks like the Bigeye Houndshark are especially vulnerable because they live in places that are hard for humans to see, so we don’t always know how many are left.

Scientists study sharks like the Bigeye Houndshark to make sure their populations stay healthy. By learning more about these sharks, we can help protect them and the deep-sea ecosystems where they live.

Fun Facts About the Bigeye Houndshark

  • The Bigeye Houndshark gets its name from its large eyes, which help it see better in the deep, dark waters.
  • This shark is much smaller than many other types of sharks, growing up to only about 1.2 meters (4 feet) long.
  • It lives in very deep waters, often as far as 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) below the surface!
  • Even though it’s a shark, it is not dangerous to humans and lives far away from beaches.
  • The Bigeye Houndshark gives birth to live young, called pups, instead of laying eggs.


The Bigeye Houndshark is a fascinating and gentle shark that lives deep in the ocean. Even though it is not as well-known as other sharks, it plays an important role in the ocean’s ecosystem. By understanding more about these unique creatures, we can help protect them and the deep-sea environment where they live.

Sharks like the Bigeye Houndshark might seem scary at first, but they are actually amazing animals that deserve our respect and care. The next time you think about sharks, remember that not all sharks are dangerous, and some, like the Bigeye Houndshark, are peaceful creatures that help keep the ocean healthy.

Sami Shah
Sami Shah
Meet Syed Sami Sarwar, a wordsmith with a penchant for weaving captivating tales. Hailing from Pakistan Faisalabad, their blog explores a mosaic of topics, from travel to tech, with a delightful blend of insight and humor. With a keen eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary, Syed Sami Sarwar invites readers on a journey of discovery. When not crafting compelling narratives, you'll find them immersed in a good book or sipping coffee in a cozy nook. Join Syed Sami Sarwar as they share stories that resonate, entertain, and celebrate the diverse tapestry of life. Welcome to a world where curiosity meets creativity.


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